Last Sharath NYC Conference, Peace in the World, and Some Pictures

We were the first ones there today and it was a good idea as it got really crowded (see pictures below).

At the last minute Sharath's daughter had her pick of space, and she placed her mat next to Sonia right in front of us. It was really sweet to see her try so hard, and James says he has found his guru because he started following the adjustments she was doing.  Funny.  For example, in supta padanghustasana she grabbed her tights with both hands and for the life of her,  James followed her lead.

Conference was short and sweet, Sharath quoted the Bagavhad Gita and mainly spoke about the importance of following the lineage that one has chosen. He talked about Bramachari being Krishnamacharya's teacher, whom in turn taught Pattabhi Jois and he taught all of us.  He still includes himself with "all of us", althought it is becoming very clear to me that he is reaching the level of guru with humility, patience and dedication.

He also talked about how it is important we spread the word of ashtanga which calms the mind and for a more peaceful world.  I relate to that, and I hope the practice can bring the peace it brought to someone lke me, to many, many people.  Then we all prayed:

OM saha navavatyu saha nau bhunaktu saha viryam karavavahai tejasvi navadhitamastu ma vidvishavahai Om Shanti Shanti Shati

Which means: May we be protected together, may we be nourished together, may we create strenght among one another. May our study be filled with brilliance and light, may there be no hostility between us, Om, peace peace peace.

He thanked Sonia again for making all of this possible and all the teachers that volunteered at the event.  I am grateful about the streaming, I hope it keeps happening from Encinitas as this whole new level of having Ashtanga travel throughout the world via streams acts as a new incentive and brings appreciation for the practice.  The future is here.

The room very early on.  Cameras in place and ready
Getting crowded...

Full room.  We counted about 150 people

Line at the end for postrations to Sharath and to Guruji's Image

A long line

With Judith, who practices with Eddie

Jackie, who practices with Christopher, looking radiant.
John and Sonia on the back


  1. Very nice pictures, Claudia. Thanks for sharing! Unfortunately, the internet connection in my apartment was too slow, so I had to do my own practice.

    So... I take it that nobody got to ask Sharath the question about why 5 rolls instead of 9 in Garbha Pindasana? :-)

  2. Hi Nobel, you take it right, it was not like in Mysore where there was a chance for questions and answers... and when the final oblations were taking place he had 150 people to go through so, no, no time for deliberations... perhaps next Mysore trip, maybe you are the one who must ask... hee hee :-) start packing

  3. What a hopeful, inspiring post. The future is indeed here isn't it? I really love the idea of practicing along via the Internet, the irony being that when he's going to be Encinitas, I'll be in the Eastern timezone! But I'll make it happen ;) Thanks for your 'reporting' these past couple of days, I hope James doesn't feel as humiliated as he did earlier....

  4. Thanks S. Now that I think about it, yes, Encinitas as you rightly point out would mean practice at what? 9:30 guess it can be done somehow, making arrangements here and there... It was a pleasure to report, and I hope someone sends notes from the West Coast, I would be happy to post... and James is fine, he is very happy he went through the whole week, also he was probably the one that got the most adjustments of all! :-)

  5. Hi Claudia,
    Sorry I'm posting here but I couldn't find any other way of getting in touch. I will be visiting NYC for a week in May, staying in the Upper West Side, and I want to continue my practice while there. I saw in the links page that you recommend Pure Yoga. I checked their web site but couldn't find an email to contact them; I don't know if it's possible to attend just for one week. I need your advice here! Thanks so much

  6. Hi Martin that is great, and yes of course, not only is it possible, if you email me I will put in you touch with my representative and you may be able to get a few free classes, 2 or 3... email me at

  7. Thanks! just sent you an email


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