5 Books/CDs That Use Ancient Scripture Techniques to Get You Money or Anything You Want

When I first moved to NYC in '95 I lived in an apartment in Chelsea with three roommates. It was hell.

That is a pretty one, not like
the one in Chelsea
My brother recently reminded me of an incident that happened when he visited me for a week by which the toilet broke, and it was placed on top of the dinning room table for observation, where it remained for days.  Oh the good old days.

However, a magical thing happened to me in that apartment.  One day I found the book "The Way of the Wizard: Twenty Spiritual Lessons for Creating the Life You Want", on the same table, mind you, although the toilette was, by then, functioning and back in place.

The book was a present to someone named "Sally" as hand-written on the first page, but, upon inquiry, non of my roommates (non of whom was named Sally), knew of any Sally, and Sally never asked any of them for her book back.

So I thought the book was a present for me, and a present it was! I still have the book and it has been autographed by Chopra.

Here are the top 5 books that claim they can get you anything you want:

Wayne Dyer's Meditations for Manifesting is a classic example.  The technology described in the CD comes from an "Indian Master" that taught him directly, this is what Wayne says.

The work is pretty straightforward.  It requires only two things:  One) that you know what you want, and two) that you do a special 10 or 20 minute chant in the morning and another one in the afternoon.

Wayne goes along with you in the chanting of "Ahhh" in the mornings as you visualize what you want and the chanting of "ooommm" at night before you go to sleep and remember all the things you are grateful for in your life.

Chanting "ahhh" brings about manifestations in the world, says Dyer's teacher, and thinking Om, well, is there a mantra older than om?

Think and Grow Rich is still ranked #1 in amazon under "'happiness" and "inspiration", and the book was published way back, as in 1937! Critics of the book say that he got all his knowledge from billionaire Andrew Carnegi, but even if that is the case, I would say that then Carnegi was in touch with someone that knew about ancient scriptures, otherwise how do you justify the appearance of a "bramacharia" (celibacy) sort of chapter in it?

By 1937 standards, having a chapter on re-directing your sexual energy and using it efficiently was new, at least in the West. He called it "The Power of Sexual Transmutation".  Great title Napoleon!

Faith, autosuggestion, organized planning, imagination, persistence.  I think I can probably come up with a Yoga Sutra for each of them... you don't believe me? Take these examples Faith (2.1), autosuggestion (1.34, 1.35) and so on.

The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success.  Deepak Chopra made a best-seller out of this book, which I confess, changed my life when I read it back in 96? The book was originally published in 1994 and it is still ranked in the top 50 under the categories of spiritual, success and personal transformation.

Chopra is into Vedanta and quotes from sages and seers all the time, it is actually no secret that he uses his ancient Indian traditions and bridges them to the West in such a beautiful manner that it is a pleasure to read.

Previous to reading Chopra I did not know about setting and intention and then detaching from it, just to cite one or two of the laws, I did not know that you could clear your mind, state what you want and then roll with life, letting things happen.

The other "laws" are also quite interesting to read, like the law of "pure potentiality" "karma", "giving" "least effort", "dharma".

Not everyone is a fan of Chopra, I particularly became a bit disenchanted with his later work, but those first couple of books were nothing short of magical.  And when I say those first couple of books I also include"

The Way of the Wizard: Twenty Spiritual Lessons for Creating the Life You Want.  In this book he makes the parallel between Arthur, in Camelot searching for the holy grail. Great idea.

It does not even have a table of contents because the chapters have no titles, rather, they are lessons and they start with a short series of "sutras" or short sentences which are then elaborated followed by  a few pages of "Understanding the Lesson".  

Take for example lesson 9, it starts with this:
"The wizard lives in a state of knowingness. This knowingness orchestrates its own fulfillment.
The field of awareness organizes itself around our intentions.
Knowledge and intention are forces. What you intend changes the field in your favor.
Intentions compressed into worlds enfold magical power.
The wizard does not try to solve the mystery if life. He is here to live it."

I still love reading the "Seven Steps of Alchemy" mentioned at the end and which he added, I don't know, as a bonus?  I read that part at least once a year.

Finally, for a controversial one!

The Secret.  Yes this movie got a lot of heat, and it also became a super-ultra-best seller very quickly.  I remember Marianne Williamson saying that she could not believe that people did not know this already. Did we not?

The "secret" as you probably heard is the law of attraction and deals with how like attracts like.  

Some of the teachers featured in the movie became even more controversial by their actions, one of them is awaiting trial after having people die while he was conducting a sweat lodge in Arizona, and Esther Hikes (a writter I do not resonate with at all who claims to channel "Abraham") asked to be removed from the original movie over royalty issues.

However, the basic concepts in the movie "think positively, think that you can and you can, surround yourself with positive energies and avoid the wicked, like attracts like" are basic things that do work.  Hey even the quotes used come from ancient sages, as in: "You are the result of everything you have thought" attributed to the Buddha.

Also some of the stories in it are inspiring, like the guy who made a collage of the house he wanted to live in and years later while unpacking after moving he saw in an old collage that the house he was living in had actually been placed in it (he had cut the picture from a magazine). Or how a woman went into remission from cancer.  


For one more check James' Helping Yourself With Psycho-Cosmic Powers.

So there you have it, five books that claim to get you money or anything you want.  Are there others that you think should go in the list?  

As per me, I believe all change starts from within, so I leave you with this great song. Enjoy the moon day.

1 comment:

  1. Scott Adams - Dilbert Future had a chapter on Affirmations


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