3 Reasons Why I Love September. Hm, Also Yoga Month?

I hear September is yoga month but for me and I am sure for you too, every day is yoga day, every moment yoga moment.  Once on the path, uh oh, difficult to step out. Even if we tried the eight limbs would haunt us.

I find September to be the most inspiring time of the year.  And this is not new, it is something that has always felt real in my bones.  Why?


The transformation is so real in the colors changing and the jackets being pulled out of storage and the pumpkins appearing in supermarkets that it has to reflect and send some signal inwards about what leaf it is that we need to turn.

What is the death we need right now?  What old has to go so that the new can come in, what part needs to prepare for silence and hibernation?

For me it seems to be an invitation to go within, to find more silences, to pay attention to the colors and the golden light and everything nature offers.


Children go back to school.  That is our mythology in the north side of the planet (the south side is preparing for spring).

I suppose we remember that we are children too, and need nurturing, to fuel our imagination, find that book we've been wanting to read or even better, write it.


Every yoga book says that it is best to start practices of asana or pranayama in the Fall or the Spring, when temperatures are not so extreme.

Of course with modern technology this is not so applicable, but I still believe there is something to the "middle path" whether-wise intelligence of April or September.  The mild weather informs us that the practice needs to be done in the same way, not pushing too hard, not falling asleep either.

A great month to embark in new roads, to start asana practice for those who have been thinking about it,  maybe try pranayama for those already established in asana? Take a meditation retreat? or a simple workshop to go deeper into an existing practice.


This morning it got a little chilly already, and I am writing under a blanket.  I love September.


As we go back to school even if metaphorically, join me on the book club and read with me!


  1. It may be a bit cool down here in the south but I'm afraid it won't stay this way long. We don't have lovely weather until after October usually. I'm hopeful that this year the cooler weather will be fast approaching :)

  2. Fall is my favorite season. I always wondered how people in the southern hemisphere celebrate things like Christmas in the summer haha. Just doesn't feel right without snow.

  3. It felt pretty goo to open presents in the summer actually... and people are likely to celebrate longer, stay up until midnight. Not my thing these days, but it certainly was when I was a kid growing up in Buenos Aires...

    the only strange thing was the food... people tend to cook what northerners eat, at least at my home, so it was heavy food in summer weather...!

  4. My family comes from Mexico. We make tamales and pozole. Not sure if you guys have that in Argentina haha :)

  5. No, dont know what pozole are, but just looked online for images and it looks very delicious... something I am sure I would like... Perhaps will have to spend one holiday season in Mexico... Hm wonder what yoga is there... a new world! :-)

  6. yoga for kids teacher trainingSeptember 15, 2012 at 12:39 AM

    September is favorite of mine also and yoga too.I love yoga and its my daily exercise.Yoga for kids teacher training


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