"Yoga makes me feel fat" says the author...
Check out these hilarious drawings of ashtanga poses at CK's blog, who actually got them from Dan's blog, small world!

Gorgeous night photography of the 1920s and 30s.

JustBeYoga just started a 40 day nadi shodana paranayama practice as spring cleaning.  Way to go!

Boodiba in awe at a two hour lecture with Ashtanga Yoga Teacher and Scholar Christopher Hildebrandt.

11 funny unintentionally sexual church signs.  Funny (found via Kai)

Autobiography of You, and Me, can't we all relate? -from the archives-

Historic picture of the London's hard-to-find underground system that used to be utilized to deliver the mail

And these are some messages that women wanted the media to hear... cool

Last Sunday's New Blog Times


  1. OMG those drawings are so funny. I love the one balancing on a ball balancing on an elephant... I felt a little bit like that today in fact!

  2. Hi Lila, good to hear from you :-)

    Jen, I know they had me cracking up too... wait let me see the one balancing on an elephant.... HA HA HA, I had missed that one, yes really funny

    here is the link in case someone else is curious

  3. Actually, I didn't know Dan had a blog; he sent me an e-mail about the drawings several weeks ago. Thank you for the new info.

  4. Hi Ck, yes I only realized when I saw he wrote on the comments... people seem to enjoy his drawings :-) thanks for pointing to him


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