"The stomach is the only cause of an untimely death. There is no other reason. The dwelling place of death in the body is only the big stomach and nowhere else." Tirumalai Krishnamacharya, in "Yoga Makaranda"
I started thinking of all the cummulative benefits that practicing the primary series of Ashtanga Yoga bring, so I went to the source, "Yoga Mala" the principal book that Pattabhi Jois wrote and in which he outlines all the benefits.
Yoga Mala has many similarities to the Makaranada, and both the primary and intermediate series, at least the seeds of it can be seen sprouting from it as well.
The one thing that becomes very apparent is the emphasis on clearing the diggestive system, and the strong focus that Krishnamacharya and Jois put into cleaning the stomach.
Consider the following mentions of benefits among the postures of the primary series:
- Removes stomach bad fat: 10 mentions
- Purifies anal canal: 10 mentions
- Cures constipation: 3 mentions
- Increases or strengthens the digestive fire: 3 mentions
1.- The practice of surya namaskara, or sun salutations, has come down to us from the long distant past, and is capable of rendering human life heavenly and blissful. By means of it, people an become joyous, experience happiness and contentment and avoid succumbing to old age and death
2.- Padangusthasana
Dissolves the fat of the lower abdomen, and purifies both the kanda, or egg-shaped nerve plexus in the anal region, and the rectum
3.- Padahastasana
Purifies the anal canal, kidnes and lower abdomen.
4.- Utthita Trikonassana - Triangle
Dissolves the bad fat at the waist, and brings the body into shape. It also expands the narrow portion of he breathing channel and strengthens the backbone.
5.- Utthita Parshvakonasana - revolved triangle
purifies the ribs and lower abdomen, dissolves the bad fat at the waist, and softens the limbs so that subsequent asanas an be more easily practiced.
6.- Prasarita Padottanasana A-B-C and D
Great attention should be paid to the stomach and the anal channel while practicing the four parts of prasarita Padottanasana. It is best to learn the proper method from a Guru. If his is done, the anal canal will be purified, the bad fat in the lower abdomen will dissolve, the waist will become thin and strong, and the body will become light and beautiful. This asana also cures constipation and purifies the top part of the spinal column and the waist
7.- Parsvottanasana
Like prasarita padottanasana, it eliminates the bad fat at the waist, which makes the lower abdomen thin, the waist strong and the body light.
"...In short, all the asanas described above loosen the limbs of he body which aids movement and renders the practice of subsequent asanas easier."
Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana |
Looses the hip joints, destroys defects of the testicles and male organ of generation, and purifies and strengthens the vertebral column, waist, hips and lower abdomen. It also eliminates constipation.
9.- Adha Baddha Padmottanasana
The rectum, esophagus, and liver are purified by this asana. It also prevents gas from occurring in the stomach, prevents diarrhea and quells the gas that arises from inappropriate food. Should gas occur, it wards it off. It is not recommended by women whose pregnancies have crossed into the fourth month.
10.- Utkatasana
Increases the strength of the waist, which becomes slender, and makes the body light. It also prevents pain associated with the vertebral column
11.- Virabhadrasana -Warrior pose
All the joints of the body, as well as the lower abdomen spinal column and organ of generation are purified. In addition, pain associated with the knees as well as the pain from standing or sitting all day while working is eliminated.
Paschimattanasana |
Helps the stomach to become slender by dissolving fat. It also increases jathara agni [the fire of hunger] helps food to digest well and strengthens the organs of the digestive system. It also cures weakness in the hands and legs resulting from a loss of appetite and low digestive fire as well as indolence and giddineas stemming from an aberration in the liver, and gas problems in the stomach.
13.- Purvatanasana
Purifies and strengthens the heart, anus, spinal column and waist.
14.- Tiriangmukhaikapada Paschimattanasana
cures body fat; water retention; thighs swollen out of proportion; piles and sciatica
Janu Shirsasana B |
cures maladies such as burning while urinating and diabetes. "... I feel duty bound to say that the reason for the overpopulation of today's society is the sensory weakness of our youth. Whenever a person controls his sense organs, he has a limited number of children, produces progeny that are intelligent, healthy and religious and lives a long life. There fore young men and women should practice ways of controlling their sense organs"
16.- Marichasana A, B,C, and D
Though all cure diseases in accordance with man's physical nature. They each cure gaseous movements in the stomach and intestines as well as movements of the rectum such as diarrhea. They also restore the digestive power and with that flatulence, indigestion and constipation are eliminated. Some women suffer form abdominal pain during menstruation, This is removed by the practice of this asanas. The womb becomes powerful and enables a woman to carry a child strongly. Pregnant women should not practice this asana after the second month.
17.- Navasana
The anal channel, spinal cord ribs and lower abdomen are purified. It also cures gastric troubles resulting from food not digesting completely. The waist gains strength
18.- Bhujapidasana
Purifies the food channel/esophagus, and the body becomes light. The shoulders and waist become strong.
Kurmasana |
Purifies the kanda, or never plexus in the anal region from which all 72,000 nadis grows. The chest becines broad and bad fat is dissolved and the spinal column becomes strong.
20.- Garbha Pindasana
Dissolves the fat of the lower abdomen, purifies the manipura or third chakra, and wards off diseases of the liver and spleen
21.- Kukutasana
The intestines are purified, the fat of the lower abdomen is dissolved and diseases affecting the bowels and urinary tract are cured.
22.- Baddha Konasana
In this pose by pulling the stomach in completely and holding the lower abdomen and anus tightly while breathing deeply in and out, terrible afflictions related to the anus such as constipation and piles will be destroyed and indigestion will no longer haunt the aspirant.
23.- Upavshta Konasana
While in this asana is important to hold mula bandha and uddiyana bandha. If the grdhrasi nadi (sciatic nerve) which is in the mid-region between the anus and the organ of generation becomes weak, then the streght of the waist will decrease and other nadis will weaken as well. Through the practice of this asana such afflictions will go
24.- Supta Konasana
Purifies and strengthens the waist region, knees, food and anal channels, and the sperm passageway. It dissolves the bad fat on the sides of the body and the waist.
25.- Ubhaya Padangushtasana
Purifies the anus, waist, stomach and gential organs as well as the granthi traya, or the three knots below the vina danda which begin at the anal canal. It also eliminates the burning sensation that occurs during urination.
26.- Urdhva Mukha Paschimattanasana
Purifies the lower back, esophagus and the region between the anus and navel.
27.- Setu Bandhasana
Purifies and strengthens the waist and neck and increases the digestive fire. It also purifies the esophagus, heart and lungs, making them strong.
28.- Urdhva Dhanurasana
This asana is not mentioned in Yoga Mala or in Krishnamacharya's "Yoga Makaranda" -although he has a picture of an advanced backbend but has no explanation that goes with it-
However. U.D. (the back-bend or bridge) is practiced in every primary series on the planet. B.K.S. Iyengar has this to say about its benefits: "It tones the spine by stretching it fully and keeps the body alert and supple"
29.- Sequence of Sarvangasana to Uttana Padasana
Some of the asanas in this sequence strengthen then skeletal muscles, others purify different parts of the body ...
...Sarvangasana cures all diseases, purifies the vishuddhi chakra and makes the amrita bindy firm. Halasana purifies the intestines, waist and throat cahnnel. Karnapidasana eliminates diseases of the ears, Urdhva Padmasana purifies the anal and urinary channels and cause the anterior section of the spinal column to become firm. Pindasana purifies the lower abdomen, spinal column, liver and spleen, and the stomach.
Matsyasana and Uttana Padasana counterpose the five asanas that preede them and remove the shoulder and waist pain that result from their practice. They also purify the esophagus and anus as well as liver and spleen
30.- Shirshasana - Headstand
Power of memory is increased, eye disease is dstroyed, the eyes glow, the long-sightedness improves. The five senses, too, become purified.
"... No amounty of writing can convey the utility of this asana. An aspirnt an only enjoy its happinss through its practie. It is impossible to try to describe the sweetness of sugar. Only by tasting sugar can the epxerience of its sweetness be had..."
31.- Sequence of Baddha Padmasana and Padmasana
When in the 9th vinyasa of Baddha Padmasana, or Yoga Mudra one should meditate upon one's chosen deity while directing the gaze between the eyebrows and inhaling and exhaling deeply as much as possible. This is important. Through this practice the liver and spleen are purified, the spinal column straightened and the anal canal remedied.
32.- Uth Pluthi
Strengthens the waist and perfects abdominal and anal control.
33.- Savasana, or corpse pose is not included in the Yoga Mala, however, B.K.S. Iyengar has suggested that students should take five minutes of full rest for every half hour of asana practice to ensure that the nervous system is returned to a balanced and centered stage. -I am paraphrasing-.
So, there is a reason why it is called Yoga Chikitsa or "Teraphy" after all. As I see it, the primary focus on the first series of Ashtanga is fully dedicated to cure the number one cause of death, the stomach!
Related Post:
Krishnamacharya 8 Short Stories that Reveal the Kind of Man He Was
Download the Yoga Makaranda (Nectar of Yoga) by T. Krishnamacharya Here
Wow. Thanks for this Claudia. You rock.
ReplyDeleteyou are welcome yogicory...
ReplyDeleteI remember being blown away when I learned that the digestive tract has its own self-contained nervous system that is essentially a second brain. It has as many neurons as the spinal cord (yes, I know I'm a nerd). So maybe primary clears the diegestive system nadis in the the same way intermediate clears the rest of the nadis...
ReplyDeleteJen, wow, I love your nerd-ness!, now that I think about it, from deep within the archives of my brain, I seem to recall that I heard that too, once, but cannot remember where.... Where did you read that?
ReplyDeleteAnd that is fascinating indeed, almost as if our guts are also our brains, hence the gut feeling always being right... This is so cool, I am excited thatbyou told me this, I hope you remember where you read it. Big hug...
By the way, secret, between you and me, I have started doing a few rounds of nadir shodhana before the hourly meditation, and also net pot... I know, bad lady, I am getting fancy... Experimenting.... Nothing to report so far, mind still quite jumpy....
I first learned about it in anatomy class. Research "enteric nervous system", you will find a ton of stuff. I'll email you a list of some cool books, too.
ReplyDeleteThis is what I'm talking about! Great, great post. Good for me!
ReplyDeleteJen, thank you, and thanks for the email too!
ReplyDeleteWild Magnolia, I hear you! :-)