My Version of The Paleo Diet

I met about 7 different entrepreneurs in NYC during the past couple of weeks,  it's summer after all, and I got to get out and mingle a bit.  The one thing they all had in common: Paleo Diet. Or some variation of it. Including myself.

These were hard-core people, best seller authors, Silicon Valley movers and shakers, people in the entretainment business.  On one dinner we ate only meat, all sorts of it, another entrepreneur we met for coffee put zero sugar or milk in his cup, another one had only eggs for breakfast.
chicken and nuts (Pinterest source)
I first heard about the Paleo diet after reading "Wheat Belly" which caused a tremendous impression on me as I had NO idea how harmful it is to eat bread and/or wheat products, especially the ones that can be found in the supermarkets in our times and hidden in the ingredients of most things we eat, including canned pumkping soup mind you, which I did not suspect at all.

For the first time ever I understood where some of my long-term ailments could  be coming from and decided to drop bread all together. Here is the book review which I entitled "My Big Fat Wheat Belly" because this is one of the most noticeable health offences that wheat produces, and one of the most leathal from the yogic perspective.  You may recall Krihsnamahcarya saying that "a big belly is the main cause of un-timely death"?

At around that time I also heard of the Paleo diet, which uses foods that our ancestors ate for meal planning and nothing else.  Aparently they mostly ate meat and some greens, not grains. Never grains or suggar.
The Paleo Diet, although mine seems to have more veggies
and fruits than meat (source)

Thinking of ancestors made me go back to look at MY OWN ANCESTORS.  The ones I remember, and what they ate.  Meat was at the center.

I have noticed that it is impossible for me to be on a vegetarian diet, and the reason is evident as I look back to the ones that came beofore me through my blood line.

I wish I could be vegetarian.  I would probably feel morally right and superior if I could. I am sure it would help my pranayama and get me closer to the goal of yoga (or would it?)  But I can't.

Not put together that way, I suffer when I do, I become weak and anemic. Get prone to diseases.  It is not in my DNA.  Not what my own ancestors did.   Perhaps one day I will be able to, but not right now.


So my diet is these days whatever works for me.

1.- No grains at all, except for one day off, on Saturdays which coincides with asana day off (yeah!)  in which I am allowed to eat anything I want, and surprisingly enough I end up not overdoing it! Go figure. That comes from the Ferris's suggestions, which can be found in a four step description here.

The only exception to the no-grain rule is a little bit of glut ten free steal cuts oatmeal (the type you have to boil for 20 minutes or so) with a lot of chopped nuts for breakfast, or a slice or two of Ezekiel bread if one day of the week (other than Saturday) I have a craving.  But these things happen only in the mornings, and right after yoga, when the body is most able to digest fast and has the whole day ahead to get rid of things.

2.- I do eat fruits, -forbidden by Ferris- but good for me.  My grandmother and my autns and uncles told me countless stories of my mother climbing trees and eating pounds of fruits at the time.  There is where it might come from.

3.- I have avoided the black beans, instead I eat lots of vegetables and nuts, preferably raw, chopped finely.  Dary I do as well, but in very little quantities.

4.- And suggar, only two cups of coffee in the morning with it, after that there is 0 consupmtion of the white stuff.  Not good.

One of my dishes

5.- I also eat meat, mostly fish and chicken.  I am enjoying cooking stews with the amazing tomatoes we get in the summer of New York State.  I saute onions in coconut oil with fresh tomatoes and zucinis.  Then I serve this with fish.  Delicious.

I do not particularly like the way animals are treated, which is a concern, so I choose cage free, organic, and the best of it that I can find.  I am lucky to have some good supermarkets like Adams Fair Acres near me.

In the end, I am more and more moving towards what works for this body at this time, with the life events that surround me considering where I live and where I come from.  I have stopped pretending I am anything other than what is happening now, and it feels good.


  1. Paleo changed/gave back my life. I've been paleo for a little over a year, and the benefits keep coming. I'm glad it's helping you too :)

  2. Over the years I tried vegetarian, vegan raw vegan (high fruit-low fat/higher fat-low sugar, you name it) and never felt or looked worse no matter what variation of it I tried. So I have come back to the Body Ecology lifestyle, which is similar to Paleo it seems but includes fermented vegetables and beverages (not Kombucha, but coconut water kefir, etc) and employs the concept of proper food combining with no sugars, including fruit. Eventually you get to where lower sugar fruits (berries, etc) are a great breakfast or added to green smoothies, but it's a simple healing lifestyle that has made ALL the difference. I spent 10 years trying to make vegan ethics in eating work for me but it just never did. So I applaud your honesty and agree 100%. At 42 I am now feeling younger and looking better than I did in my 20s. Nutrition is everything! 

  3. Thanks for sharing Claudia.  I struggle with the question of diet.  I feel that the idea of Ahimsa should include all living things, including plants, so consuming plants is also creating karma.  We do have to eat though!! And eating only nuts and fruits just doesn't work for most of us.  In a perfect world with ample resources I would eat mostly meat from free-range, organic, humanely treated livestock (or wild animals) and organic fruits and vegetables and nuts.  In reality I have a hard time eating meat as I can't afford the quality of meat I want.  I've been vegetarian from age 15 - 25, but got really anemic and sick.  I'm in my forties now and I've been trying it again these past few months ( it is still an experiment).   Not sure how it will go.  One thing I feel good about is buying a CSA (community supported agriculture) box from a local farm.  I get a big box of organic veggies delivered every two weeks!  There are many farms that do this.  It is a great way to increase your organic veggie intake and support a local farm.   

  4. Enrique Matías SánchezAugust 1, 2012 at 6:52 AM

    No conocía esta dieta, y tiene algunos aspectos interesantes, pero hay otros que no me convencen:
    ¿Qué tienen de malo legumbres como las lentejas? Dal es uno de los platos preferidos de la cocina ayurvédica.
    ¿Y el arroz? En China o Japón llevan milenios basando su dieta en él.En este artículo se examinan los pros y contras de la dieta paleolítica:

  5. Good to hear! :-)

  6. El arroz tiene el problema de que se convierte en azucar rapidamente, pero es cierto que en Japon es consumido en moderacion y la poblacion es relativamente saludable hasta donde entiendo (que no es mucho), en mi caso, yo veo que consumir arroz blanco no me hace bien, el nivel de azucar sube en mi cuerpo de forma que hasta lo siento...

    el articulo es bueno, gracias, pero en la conclusion pareciera que lo que sugiere es exactamente lo mismo... 

  7. I also like the idea of ahimsha taken to greater extents.  Sometimes I wonder if it might be a question of stage in life and where one lives too.  Ahimsha must start at the individual level, and if we are getting sick I dont see it working at all...  I try just as you do to be as humane as possible, and to keep it rational, down to earth.  I think as long as there is mindfullness involved and groundness in the decision then we must do what is best for the situation at hand....

    I heard about those boxes of veggies, they scare me a bit as sometimes they ship things I know nothing about, dont know how  I would cook them....  but good for you!

  8. Thank you.  I agree with you.... in the end I suppose ethics must start at the individual level, if I am sick I cannot do anything else... and there are so many constraints and difficulties with life as is...

    Good to hear you found your balance and are feeling great.

  9. Claudia, I'm agluten-free vegan, because eating meat makes me feel less like a vital, healthy human being and more like a sleepy, immobily python who'd just swallowed an antelope. Eating vegan makes me feel better. I know lots of people who've had success on the Paleo diet. I think what's most important is eating in a way that is physically, emotionally, and ecologically healthy for each of us.

    P.S. recently discovered your blog; really enjoying it!

  10.  the CSA delivery places out here let you fill out a permanent checklist so you can eliminate things you don't want to receive, I wonder if places near you would offer the same thing?


  12. I agree, it is what mostly works for each of us... Thanks for the compliment!

  13. I'm kinda new to yoga, but I've been doing PaleoDiet for about a year. Here's my version:

  14.  I hear what you're saying.....I'm definitely eating vegetables I wouldn't normally eat if I were buying them from the store.  The farm I use publishes a blog identifying all the vegetables and giving recipes and suggestions, which helps.  My favourites are things I can eat straight from the box - sugar peas, carrots, tomatoes and baby tomatoes, raspberries.....yum :)

  15. Hey Claudia, I'm so glad I found your blog. You've taken a lot of the same approaches to your health that I have.
    I came across the Paleo diet when doing online research about hypoglycemia. I've had severe hypoglycemia for years and I was willing to do anything to just be done with it... including eating meat. I was a vegetarian for 10 years before I switched to Paleo, and it's been difficult, but like you I choose local, organic meats. I also simply decided I had to do whats best for my health.
    I haven't cut out beans, soy, and fruits, like some Paleos, I've basically just traded in my grains and sugars for meat.
    It's a bit too soon to tell but I think I'm feeling better. I have a co-worker who claims her hypoglycemia was completely cured by Paleo!
    Also - I have the Wheat Belly book as well. One trait I've had all my life is a belly. Even when I was thin, there was a gut... I'm thinking that must have been the cause...
    Thanks so much for the post.

  16. Jessica I agree with you 100%. We must eat the way that makes us healthy and vibrant so we can pursue life and where spirit moves us, absolutely!

  17. Claudia, I was a vegetarian- mostly vegan for many years and the result was not good. Although I felt at peace with the diet at the time several things became apparent in the last year. I was shocked to discover that soy binds with thyroid hormones (I had most of my thyroid removed several years ago and need all the hormone my body can make). I was also dismayed that so many of the grains and beans were actually making me sick. I became pre-diabetic with high blood pressure and also gained weight! I was always tired and hungry, too.
    Now, after about six months on a Paleo diet, blood sugar and pressure are better than the norm, and the weight is slipping off without doing anything. I feel much better and rarely feel hungry. We buy local grass-fed animal products and get a CSA box once a week. It's all good.
    Great blog post!

  18. Leslie, I appreciate you telling me this, word by word it sounds like my story too, and probably countless people's stories. I am so glad we collectivelly wake up to the fact that grains as sold today are just no good, no matter what the FDA or the Heart association says...

    That book Wehat Belly, if you have not read it yet... might blow your mind.


  19. Paleo Diet is basically what our ancestor used to eat millions of years ago,
    before agriculture came into existence . It is also referred as “Hunter’s Food” as they used to gather it from here and
    there by hunting animals or collecting from plants and trees paleo diet

  20. Claudia have you heard of Weston A Price? He was a dentist who studied populations of people in the 1930's or 40's who didn't eat industrialized diets and also studied how this affected their teeth and facial structures. They ate lots of animal fats, raw milk/butter, fermented grains/vegetables, bone broths etc...I recently changed over to this way of eating and have been having great results.
    I remember reading B.K.S. Iyengar saying that although he understood that different cultures eat differently, if one wanted to attain control of the mind a vegetarian diet was needed. After the changes I have been witnessing in myself, I disagree. The health improvements have been leading me to less self violence and less selfishness when dealing with others. Also less cravings and mood swings lend itself to a mind that is open to a clearer perception by not being blocked by warning signals sent off by the body to the mind because of imbalance and malnutrition. What do you think?

  21. Do you think that the paleo diet is safe or dangerous for me? Feel free to check my opinion about paleo at Thanks and keep up your good work!

  22. Great post! Very inspiring! Still Trying out the paleo diet.... so far so good.

    - GSWY
    Paleo Diet and Yoga

  23. It's a shame that a lot of yoga people are vegetarians, because the paleo diet is so beneficial for your body!

  24. How would one eat a paleo or weston price influenced diet in India if they wanted to go to mysore? Any tips?

  25. This is surely a very good blog, thanks a lot for sharing such nice
    information here


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