The First Original Sin. Not What You Think.

You look much better said Dr. Huang with a big smile.  He is the Chinese Medicine practitioner who got me back to the living world after Lyme disease last year.   In my mind he is also like the Krishnamacharya of NYC, a vibrant healer with more energy than a five-year-old and a bright smile. A few weeks ago I visited him for a check up...

That is NOT the original sin

He grabbed my feet and pressed on points, looked at my tongue and took my pulse.  Then he said:


People of the Earth: Worry not!
I know what you are going to say, the phrase is out of context.  It is.  But think about it:

Isn't "worry" the real original sin?  Is it not the tabulations and worst case scenarios our minds run in our heads that lead us to further darkness, depression, panic attacks, drugs, alcohol, thinking that we are sick?

So to put things in context, yes my element (or something like that) in the Chinese medicine wheel is "Earth", I am an earthy person, and he said that to me specifically, but I believe what he said is a lot more fundamental: ALL EARTH PEOPLE SHOULD NOT WORRY.  We should all let go of worrying.  If we can.

After all, let go of worry and you are... Present!  Let go of worrying and you drop the "story" we so much enjoy telling ourselves.  Let go of worry and suddenly we are here, inhabiting this planet, on a summer day (for the northern hemisphere at least).

As usual, it turns out I am pretty healthy in the eyes of Dr. Huang.  It's just summer.  It's hot. And I should not be worrying!

I used to not write his contact info but I know he can help.  I don't get a fee or anything, he does not even know I write about him... but if you are curious: He is at 334 East 65th street in NYC, phone 212 861 1219. May we all be healed and not-worried.


  1. Earth people should not worry....I like this.  Nice reminder.  Hm, what if we were to take the negative out (the "should not") and replace it with what you say happens when we let go of worry (be present), then we have: Earth people should be present.  

    Which, conversely, lets go of worrying :)

    Very happy that you're healthy!

  2. Thanks Kamal, you are quite right that turning it around and framing it in the possitive works even better!

  3. It's hard not to worry. You have to really practice. But maybe you need faith that things will be okay. Unfortunately, it's hardest to have when you're worrying. 

    But you're right, being here in the present and acknowledging it does help take the worry away. Thanks!


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